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To browse Academia. While many sexual health promotion campaigns in Australia targeting gay men have utilized erotic imagery, this approach is rarely deployed by projects targeting other populations.
Louise Kolff. The Internet offers an invaluable opportunity to re-imagine ideas, constructs and disciplines to create innovative sexual health promotion interventions. To gain insight into what young adults aged may be seeking in online sexual resources and approaches, this study explored how young people perceived their sexual health to be influenced by their consumption of the highly utilised sexual medium of Sexually Explicit Internet Movies [SEIM].
Employing an exploratory, qualitative methodology, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 12 urban, heterosexual young adults, who self-identified as having consumed SEIM for a period of at least one year. All interviews were audiotaped with permission, transcribed verbatim and the data were analysed to identify emergent thematic concepts. Participants described utilising SEIM as an all-inclusive sexual forum to learn more about the positive aspects of sexual health, in a context that they viewed as being devoid of alternatives.
Young adults' perceptions of the utility of SEIM suggest that it would be beneficial to create novel, sex-positive online sexual health interventions. Further exploration is clearly warranted on how Internet resources that are related to sexual health, such as SEIM, can be utilised to facilitate innovative approaches to online sexual health promotion. Sharif Mowlabocus. Susanna Paasonen. Diego Alvarez Villacis. This campaign attempts to create an immediate visual attention by showcasing simple images of animals that have been traditionally linked with sex.
The use of these simple images plus the use of text will attempt to create an instant recognition, and therefore, it would be easier to engage the public with the actual message. Initially, in this report, I will try to depict an overview of the project by explaining the primary objectives of my campaign, my audience target and the media that I am using. The second part of this paper analyses in describe in detail how the campaign works and how it will engage people through the use of images and text.