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Patch reached out to candidates for local office to get more information on their campaigns and the issues that are facing the city. Karen Camporeale. Yes, I come from a big, Italian family that I feel so lucky to have grown up in.
I also have friends from childhood who are as much family to me as any blood relative. As a single mom, I raised my two daughters, Ariel and Sophia, in Stamford schools.
And, all of their friends have become extended family over the decades. My partner, Sven, and I have been together for almost 10 years. His two kids and their spouses have definitely become family to me, as well. And he and my ex-husband have become good friends. I love them all very much, but they all understand I have a special spot in my heart is for my little morkie, Tom. We have two other dogs, but Tom is my heart.
Now we'd like to ask a few questions about your reasons for running and your general views on politics and government. First, why are you seeking this office? In , I ran for this exact same seat on the Board of Representatives, and lost by a mere handful of votes. The gentleman who won actually moved out of District 18 just a couple of months after the election. That spot is now open again, and I am running for it.
I consider myself a very active Stamford citizen. I believe in this city. I love this city and its people. I love the trees, the animals, the beauty, the sound, the architecture, the restaurants, but the people, most of all. I want to fight for small businesses and the working class, and to reduce taxes. I want to help our civil servants, who give so much. I want to do everything I can to uphold and improve the quality of life for all Stamford residents, while protecting this beautiful land and water that we all call home.