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In this time of rising food costs, The Receipt reveals how folks—from different cities, with different incomes, on different schedules—are figuring out their food budgets. Keep reading for their receipts. What is your annual salary, if you have one? What are your approximate fixed monthly expenses beyond food? Do you follow a certain diet or have dietary restrictions? What are the grocery staples you always buy, if any? We always restock on onions, lemons, limes, garlic, russet potatoes, and ginger.
How often in a week do you dine out versus cook at home? Generally, I eat out for lunch one to two times a week, and we go out for other meals two to three times a week at most. I try to cook three meals a week that we then eat leftovers from. Now I cook things that hold up better or can be transformed a bit so I can have more time in the evenings to work in my garden and on other hobbies. How often in a week did you dine out while growing up?
My family very rarely ate out. Maybe once or twice a month, usually on Sunday after church. We always went to places like Texas Roadhouse or a local barbecue joint.
How often in a week did your parents or guardians cook at home? We cooked almost every meal. We joke that we are not a cereal family—hot breakfast was a must every day. Even if it was cheese on toast. My dad loves to cook and owns a seafood market, so we had all kinds of great meals at home and dinner guests all the time.
As the oldest I ended up learning how to cook and helping out a ton. My family suffered through many a horrible meal as I learned. Mondays are days I can afford to have a slow start, so I do. After taking last week off because of a medical procedure, I went to a yoga class and boy howdy, the body had words for me. I decide to get one of my favorite fast-food breakfasts. The Chick-fil-A line is shockingly short.