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By user no longer on site 4 weeks ago. Woman 4 weeks ago. Free to use, not just free to join. Free cams, pics, search, mails. Join today. Quick Links Search forum subjects:. I mind bending, dizziness inducing………. I need to be more annoying in the forums if I want to bump that up. A civilised Apparently 23, I didn't realise It was that high, well for me atleast lol. Oh - do I need to add how many meet my criteria? And the vast majority just viewed.
Some sent a wink, a friend request and a message but there's maybe only been 2 or 3 convo's with people that fit what we are looking for. Come on I only need one more and I'll have Understandable as you get on in years. Currently If I upload a few pics or have status activity it can get a bit higher but I've been having a lazy few days!
A bizarrely high number today. Come on I only need one more and I'll have " Am I the th?? What do I win? Come on I only need one more and I'll have Am I the th?? Weirdly several from people, for whom I am too old for their age range. I'm taking that as a compliment. A solid 15 for myself today. Is this the same? How do I find that? I hope that explains it. It's been a busy one for me. I got 2. I don't think it shows you that specifically, I just had to count up how many of the ones who viewed me were women or couples.
Ah, that's easier then. We only open it up when we are looking for a man to join us in MFM. Unsure to be sure! But I know at least one had a wee peek. Maybe zero. But I know at least one had a wee peek " I had a wee then I peaked. Talk about demons" Ha. I got seven because of that though I blocked the OP before they could view me. I now have 1. That's a good day! Good grief im shocked! Not sure why so few And 2 are from guys…. Seems to be a slow day round these parts.
Some I'm not in their age range, so i guess they're just looking after seeing a forum post I made perhaps. Something I do sometimes, just wonder who posted something. None today. None all week. None all month. Gotta love filters. Like others said, very quiet. Only The Dirty Dozen perhaps? The usual double figures on this one.