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From provocative history lessons to fascinating celebrity profiles, there's something on the streamer for any mood or interest. Ilana Gordon is an entertainment, culture, and comedy writer originally from Connecticut. She currently lives in Los Angeles. From educational to endearing to entertaining, regardless of your mood and mindset, there's a documentary available that can give lectures a run for their money.
Here are EW's picks for the 30 best documentaries on Netflix. The 13th Amendment of the U. Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, but this searing documentary argues that both have only taken on different forms in the years since its adoption. The Emmy-winning work, directed by acclaimed filmmaker Ava DuVernay , traces the systematic oppression of Black Americans following the official end of slavery in , from segregation to the disproportionate targeting of minorities during the war on drugs to the prison-industrial complex, of which private contractors have benefited financially.
DuVernay tackles varied and complicated forms of corruption here, but 13th is carefully plotted to show how each act of disenfranchisement leads to another, serving as a riveting rallying cry.
Where to watch 13th : Netflix. EW grade: A read the review. Director: Ava DuVernay. This first film from Barack and Michelle Obama 's production company Higher Ground — and winner of the Oscar for Best Documentary Feature — is an even-handed look at the trials and tribulations of a Chinese-owned windshield factory in Dayton, Ohio.
As its domestic workers are tasked with more intensive labor for lower pay, their Chinese employers experience culture shock while adjusting to the American way of life. Told with matter-of-fact honesty, American Factory drew rave reviews that included EW's critic, who notes , "The heart and soul of American Factory , like all American factories, is never really politics of course; it's people.