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They are going after massage parlors around Green Country that are part of an illegal prostitution ring. Homeland security, the district attorney's office and local police are targeting massage parlors using their business as a front for crime.
It's behind closed doors, but it's still illegal crime and it funds other criminal enterprises. Officers recently arrested six women, including a 6th grade teacher from Ripley Public Schools. While this operation is going after those making money from these sex dealings, Kunzweiler said they're coming for the people going into the store to pay for the service. Sat, 07 Sep GMT Story Infinite Scroll - News3 v1. Burn Bans. Severe Weather Preparedness. Weather News. Weather Cameras.
Living Oklahoma. Game Center. Now Tue Wed Operation Velvet Fury targets massage parlors eliciting sex in Tulsa County. A chart of all the people police are looking to arrest for an illegal prostitution ring in massage shops around Tulsa, October 11, Police said they still have two more people to arrest to have all eight behind bars. Police said these people used social media and the internet to stay off the grid.
Specifically, social media apps like reddit and discord to act in the shadows. He said they're just as guilty when it comes to bigger picture. With warrants still out for two more organizers, police said there's still work to do. Kunzweiler said they're not arresting the women working in these sex rings. Instead they're offering them help to get out of this criminal lifestyle.
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