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Katarzyna Szweda: Fear and elation. Not necessarily in that order…. Why fear and why elation? Is it because of the open confrontation of your work with people in real time and place? Katarzyna Szweda: As a poet, I really write with the hope rather than expectation! The elation comes, as it always does, from feeling the work take flight which is only possible with an audience.
Then I found out that writing is a lonely job, and it is show biz as well. First I did not like the idea at all, then I got used to it.
I still resent the necessity of showing my face in front of an audience sometimes, but while it can be hard and time-consuming, it also brings a lot of interesting situations, people and stories into my life. Is it part of the show biz, as you say? In what way? You have to be entertaining, or at least try to. Just as Kathy says, you have to develop your public persona… and this requirement is a double-edged sword. I have learned a lot from readings and from meeting my readers. And it has changed the way I write.
For instance, in the distant past I never thought to include a few passages in each book suitable for reading aloud.
Now I always try to do that. Katarzyna Szweda: Dominik, the resentment is interesting. It does feel now that there is an expectation for authors in every form to have a public persona — from readings to social media. I know many who opt out of the latter, but it feels as though that is an active and constant choice to make. I am not sure whether this is good for your writing or not. In any case, I have learned to think about the readers a bit more during the process of writing.