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I have a theory of Big things v Small things. So, I wrote a letter essentially stating that the big thing tumour will likely kill me faster than the small thing lung mets , and so I pushed hard for starting chemo-rad. And blow me away — when we met next he told me that it could now be an option. For, after all, I probably will have radio-therapy side effects to substitute. They both felt it would give their readers some inspiration.
I guess having someone outspoken about chemo services on the NHS and enduring the cancer journey makes interesting reading. On a different note entirely, it was very special to be at the wedding of the daughter of a special friend. But — we made it. And what a special day it was.
Takes you straight back to your own wedding, which felt like a million years ago. Maybe — if I get some help from G-d who decides everything — I might live long enough to see one of my elder children get married too.
Its been a hectic week or so with all the younger kids on half term. Busy with arts and crafts and a bit of Dancing with Louise. Thanks to those lovely people who thought of me and helped make their half term so special. Answer 1. Well, great news! I will chat to the surgeon and see how you look for surgery. Answer 2. I keep looking at the report. It seems to have…. Pretty much. Some tumours keep growing throughout the chemotherapy. So we plough on. But he plumps for me to have 6 more chemos to add on.
So that would make 12 in total on folfirinox. I already have almost zero capacity to taste food, and am overdosing regularly with salt to try and taste anything. At this rate I will more likely die from sodium toxicity …. By this stage I can barely feel my hands from the side effects and am living on extra Gabapentin to stop me turning into the Ice Man. Seriously, by 11am each day — like clockwork — the current meds have worn off and frostbite has set in.