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To browse Academia. Manuel Fernandez-Canque. Ricardo Salvatore. Josefina Zen. Jorge Ponce Valdivieso. Klaus Meyer-Arendt. British textile exporters have supplied South America since well before the Napoleonic Wars. However, only from the s onwards did British merchants establish houses in the region, quickly mastering the market. As far as the demand for coarse cloaks was concerned, both creoles and natives stuck firmly to ponchos.
Because of the intrinsic characteristics of ponchos, local demand led British supply and, in an innovative process of adaptation, British manufacturers exported ponchos on a considerable scale to the markets of southern South America.
Edmundo Murray. The nineteenth-century Irish emigration to Argentina has been studied from different perspectives. There is a growing number of historical, demographic and cultural studies focusing on diverse aspects of this migration, which together with Quebec and Mexican Texas, produced the only Irish settlements in non English-speaking territories.
However, with a few exceptions, most of these studies concentrate on the settlement and the life of the emigrants from the time they arrived to their destination, thus neglecting the preparations for their journey and the material details of the voyage. How did the Irish emigrants travel from their townlands and rural villages to the most important ports in Ireland and England, and from there to South American ports?
What means of transport did they use on land and sea, and how had those vehicles changed with the technical advances of the century? How expensive were the fares and how comfortable was the accommodation? Which were the most common emigrant ships to South America and what were their usual travel patterns? Florencia Bravo.