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During the Meiji era Japanese society became more liberal, allowing young Japanese to venture to other countries. The first known Japanese to settle in Canada was Manzo Nagano in , although there were reported cases of Japanese fishermen shipwrecked along the coast of British Columbia prior to that date.
Waves of immigrants followed, young men in particular, to seek adventure, wealth and, in some cases, independence from family obligations. By nearly Japanese were living in Canada. Through the exchange of photographs and letters, single men arranged for brides from Japan.
As early as the Canadian government attempted to discourage Chinese immigration by applying a Head Tax, but such restrictions did not apply to the Japanese. Between and , Canada saw the largest influx of immigrants. By the Japanese population rose to over 18, Most immigrants were farmers and fishermen; some were business people. Only a few were well educated and from the aristocratic class.
Denial of the franchise prevented Japanese Canadians from the right to vote, from participating in professions, and holding public office. His request was denied and so he appealed to the courts.
Unable to enter the professions, most found employment in logging and lumbering, mining and fishing, while others started businesses. Anti-Asian sentiment grew within the white community, and on September 7, a large angry mob marched on Chinatown shattering windows, breaking into stores and frightening the residents. The mob then moved towards Powell Street, the home of the Japanese community.