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Inner children are parts of all our psyche that remains full of innocence, awe, and wonder. When our inner child is healthy, and we are connected with them, we tend to be invigorated, inspired, and excited. However, what happens when our inner child is wounded from past trauma, and we are disconnected from them? When we ignore the inner child in our psyche, as adults, we feel disconnected from life, tired, empty, and unhappy.
This article will further explore the topic of the wounded inner child, how these little ones can affect their adult selves. The concept of the inner child was first proposed by psychologist Carl Jung after he examined his own childlike inner-feelings and emotions.
Jung postulated that it was this inside part of all of us that influenced all we do and the decisions that we make. Inner children were us when we were kids that never grew up. They are who holds all the memories and emotions, good or bad, that we experienced. These learned messages are incurred when we were helpless and dependent on our caregivers. Unfortunately, it is also these inner children who absorb all the negative and harmful words and actions of those who were supposed to keep us safe.
Once wounded, these inner kids negatively influence who we are as adults holding enormous power over our relationships and decisions. All children deserve to feel safe—safe from harm, fear, and lack.
Safety does not mean only physical security but also emotional and spiritual well-being as well. When children feel safe within the families they were born into, their boundaries are respected, and that their needs are met so they feel secure. In adulthood, these inner children never go away, and neither does their feelings of being unsafe and that the world is a horrible and dangerous place.