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Fetish too far vis a vis my girlfriend. August 2, PM Subscribe Fetishes and relationships: Help me find objective, balanced, third-party information for my girlfriend. So, I've had a fetish since forever. It was a fascination even before puberty. It's a borderline "fetish too far" as Dan Savage might categorize it. As I've gotten older, I've learned how to talk about it in an open and honest way.
I told my now girlfriend of six months about it on the first date, and explained that it was a fundamental part of my sexuality, and that it wasn't something I'd ever expect or pressure her to participate in. She has become curious to learn more about my fetish. She's interested in talking to me about it, and we do, but it's an intense, multi-layered thing to talk about as it touches on sex, trust, intimacy, and the boundaries of our relationship.
So, she's looking for outside information regarding fetishes and relationships books? She's wicked-smart, women's studies, philosophy, history, humanities background, etc.
Are there any resources are out there that would be useful to her? Maybe get this switched to an anonymous post and tell us what exactly you're talking about? Kind of hard to recommend specific resources, which are likely to be the most helpful, unless we know what it is you have in mind.
It's almost impossible to answer this question without knowing what your fetish IS. There are plenty of books on spanking, bondage, etc. I am going to be surprised if we can find anything you have not already run across. Your post suggests you have given this issue much thought, research and mature consideration. I applaud you for your candor with your SO and wish you the best.