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Coming Soon
DOI: Abstract: The article examines the evolution of the category «corruption» in pre-revolutionary Russia, as well as its various manifestations and punishments for corrupt actions. The authors analyzed numerous legislative acts in force in various periods of the existence of the Russian state, as well as measures that taken at the state level to combat corruption.
According to the authors, the emergence of corruption is primarily due to the expectation of significant benefits from corrupt actions, the influence of officials' decisions on the allocation of limited resources. The formation of the Russian Empire accompanied by such phenomena as favoritism, abuse of power, distribution of privileges, extortion and bribery.
Over time, the state began to attach great importance to anti-corruption issues, many legislative acts aimed at combating corruption adopted, officials convicted of corruption punished regardless of rank and merit, a ban was imposed on combining public service with commerce, etc. The study found that by the end of the XIX century, the experience of legislative and social measures against corruption crimes had been accumulated. These actions of the state led to the fact that at the beginning of the XX century in Russia, corruption in the highest echelons of power in Russia was practically absent, not a single case of abuse and bribery was established.
There were manifestations of corruption at the lower and middle levels of government, but the measures taken by the country's leadership to combat corruption for a long time made it possible to achieve real success in pre-revolutionary Russia and become one of the least corrupt European states. Abstract: The paper examines the history of the Cherkasov family from Kereti during the period of the Muscovite Kingdom.
The attention is given to the first five generations in the history of the family, who lived in the period from to Petersburg, Russian Federation. In conclusion, the author states that the history of the Cherkasovs from Kereti today has 17 generations, which fell on the period from to the present. At the same time, the family history of the period of the Moscow Kingdom is only the first five generations — : the initial chronological point is associated with the birth in in the Zaporozhian Sich territory of the Polish—Lithuanian Commonwealth of a Cossack named David 1st generation , and the final one with the death in of a representative of the 5th generation Prokopii Antonovich Cherkasov.