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Esta es una mirada a lo que los medios en todas sus formas dicen sobre la Wikipedia, sea bueno, malo o indiferente. Relaciones sin compromiso online St. Louis Más chicas sensacionales: Relaciones rápidas Des Moines, Mujeres calientes Barcelona, Putas universitarias San Sebastián
Em 5 casos adoeceu apenas um bovino por rebanho, e em outro adoeceram 2 animais de um rebanho de 6 bovinos. In one case the disease was diagnosed clinically and in 5 cases also by histopathology consisting of diffuse vasculitis with fibrinoid degeneration and perivascular infiltration of mononuclear cells in many organs. In 5 cases only one cattle was affected, and in one, 2 out of 6 cattle were affected.
Five cases occurred from May to August, at the end of the raining season during the lambing season. Clinical signs and pathology were characteristics of the disease. Four cattle died after a clinical manifestation period of days, another was euthanized after 40 days, and another recovered. The disease occurred after the introduction of a ram in the farm.
The outbreak was controlled after the slaughter of all sheep in the farm. As it was previously reported in the state of Rio Grande do Sul few affected cattle can recovered. Because the 6 cases of MCF represent 3. Juliana T. Nobre II. Index terms: Malignant catarrhal fever, vasculitis, diseases of cattle, viral diseases, semiarid. Este bovino pertencia a um rebanho de 6 animais, 2 destes adoeceram e morreram apresentando a mesma sintomatologia.
Observou-se ainda pneumonia intersticial e pleurite fibrino-supurativa. O rebanho era de 1. Tokarnia et al. Neste caso na histologia foram observados espessamento da parede dos vasos, fibrose e discreto infiltrado mononuclear perivascular. Open menu Brazil. Open menu. Abstract Resumo Portuguese Resumo English. Text PT Text Portuguese. Malignant catarrhal fever; vasculitis; diseases of cattle; viral diseases; semiarid. Baptista F.
Hora Vet. Barros S. Surto de febre catarral maligna no Rio Grande do Sul. Cortez P. Revta Port. Driemeier D. Outbreak of malignant catarrhal fever in browm brocket deer Mazama gouazoubira in Brazil. Arqs Inst. Animal, Rio de J. Figueiredo L. Mundial Buiatra, Salvador, p. Garmatz S. Acesso em 9 de outubro de Lemos R. Transmission of caprine herpesvirus-2 in domestic goats.