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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Productor: Toni Carrizosa. Bet Rourich. Marc is a documentary maker who is employed at a time travelling company. Guion: Maka Kukulava.
Montaje: Julie Lena. Sonido: Philippe Deschamps. Montaje: Nacho Ruiz Capillas. Junto a ella descubre otra forma de ver la vida. Darius, a sixteen year old boy, enjoys his life with Luismi, his neighbour and best friend.
Productor: Daniel Froiz Guede. Lugares de rodaje : Pontevedra, Ponte Da Lima. Miguel travels Pontevedra, his hometown, in order to record the locations for a movie. Pronto surge una amistad rodeada de violencia, alcohol y drogas entre ellos.
Esteban, Sarita and Aritz know each other for a common denominator shared by all three. Elizalde Cancela. Montaje: David Gallart. Maria is 30 years old, she is a peculiar person and has one goal: become a normal person. But first of all she must discover what exactly is. Which kind of person is she? What does exactly means? That question goes deeper into her mind. She meets Borja as well, a boy obsessed with diets and lose weight.
The question is, can he write a love story when their love is already history? Es una historia turbia y tierna de terror social. Not more, not less. The movie pictures what happened that day in the courtroom. Jaume Duque. Imagine a world where super heroes exist.