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El paso de la frontera peruano-boliviana a chileno-boliviana. Change from a Peruvian-Bolivian border to a Chilean-Bolivian border. The hypothesis of this paper proposes that the Bolivian presence in the nitrate industry is related to diplomatic relations between both countries, on the one hand, and on the attraction of the saltpeter refinery enclave on the other.
A preliminary comparison is made between the Chilean-Peruvian frontier and the Chilean-Bolivian frontier, pointing out that former had a closed frontier due to the impact of the controversial diplomatic relations between Peru and Chile, while the latter was an open frontier, due to the saltpeter refinery business interests and a coincidence in the exporting model between the governments of Bolivia and Chile , that made possible the diplomatic agreement expressed in the treaty of The focus of this study moves from international relations, specifically transborder relations, to the history of private life of the Bolivian population in the saltpeter society, showing the complexity of the problem under study.
Key words: Diplomatic relations, frontier, saltpeter industry, migrations. Autores peruanos p. Uno, porque ya era una provincia peruana consolidada y, por lo mismo, supuestamente con fronteras bien delimitadas con Bolivia, tanto al este como al sur.
Severo Choque, de Camina, declara doc. Don Juan B. Veamos un ejemplo:. LUIS A. Desde Bolivia llegaba el ganado ovino y una gran variedad de otros productos como harinas, tejidos, zapatos, cueros, charqui, etc.
Bolivia fue pieza clave en ese espacio de influencia. Luis Maira sintetiza muy bien esta coincidencia:. Este criterio, muy bien acogido por los representantes chilenos, fue la base del tratado de paz de , que ambos congresos ratificaron en para su entrada en vigor Maira Se sabe del comercio de cocinas y planchas de hierro, zinc calaminas para los techos, leche condensada, ropa y telas, muebles, etc.