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It is absolutely painful to witness the death of a loved one. By the end of this article, you will know ways how to make dua for parents who passed away. Allah mentioned in the Quran :. Every soul will taste death. Especially during the time when dua are mustajaab granted ; after five daily prayers, during sujuud,when it rains, between azan and iqomah and a few hours before maghrib on a friday;known as saah faatimiyyah.
Narrated by Abu Hurairah R. A, Prophet Muhmammad s. As stated in the hadith above, when a person passed on, he can no longer be rewarded for his actions except in 3 ways:. This can be as grand as donating a land, a well, water pumps for those in need or as simple as donating chairs,Quran and fans; for as long as the donated items are being used the person who donated it can benefit from it. A teacher who nurtured and patiently teach students with knowledge and wisdom which is later used by the students to help others with the knowledge and so long as the cycle continues he may benefit from it.
It could also be any person you and me who teach, share a knowledge which benefits another person and so long as he acts upon it or utilise it to do good, you may also be rewarded for it.
If you are reading this, you have been blessed to have parents who have raised you up into a good muslim. Besides making dua for your parents, another way you can do to benefit your parents who have returned to their maker is to give charity on behalf of them. You could make the intention in your own preferred language even:.
Another thing you can do beside making a dua for your deceased parents is to be an active member of the community; doing charity works. Look within your local community and see which organisation needed volunteers or you can also help the people around you who needed help; it could be your neighbour, the person you see sitting on the streets that you passed by everyday to work or going to the market.