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This article contains searchable text which was automatically generated and may contain errors. Join the community and correct any errors you spot to help us improve Papers Past. Motto:— "We write for the benefit of others, not ior ourselves.
Dear Dot,— No doubt yon have forgotten me; no doubt I have sunk "into oblivion. Well, in my case, lam positive it is truly the latter, because I picked up a "Witness the other day, and turned to that once "lushed" page, and I felt a cort of stirring up, or rather a slight pricking sensation in the bottom of my heart. At first I couldn t make it out, and then it gradually dawned, on me I was '-homesick," or rather D.
What I was going to pen after "and" I simply lune not the slightest conception. Fancy falling into a "brown study" when writing to ycu. But, Dot, do not take offence, for that "brown study" contained your own pretty ss! No doubt you are concerned about that "lapse of memory" which intervened after the starting of this letter. Well, Dot, it was simply as follows : L.
I found the walls of my beloved "sanctum sanctorum" fade gradually away, and m their place I saw a dear little room, another "holy of holies. This young person seated at the tabla was expectantly passing paper 3 from hand to hand. When the bundle wn. Tho bundle fell to her feet unheeded. Tins will never do. Forgive me, Mr Editoi, ior ought not I to know better? Up jumped Dot, for, needless to cay, that young person was Dot. The tear disappeared, the papers wero neatly arranged again, and a practical look o'erspread that sweet face.
Though jou are pleased to welcom-3 new waters, jon ais double pleased to welcome back jour old ones. Of that I am assured. Ever since I st'rtcd this letter a line of appropiiate poetry hns been running in my mind. In fact I llu. With plenty of good wishes and success to my former D. Quartette will not overlook such "a tiino" again. Welcome back io your former place in the page, dear, and I hops you will fulfil your promise to contri'i Ie more frequently in future.