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Why should women enjoy anything about that? If everyone is to be permitted their problematic pop culture faves, they might also be allowed to despise or ignore! It is perhaps the platonic ideal of a movie that dudes try to force on their girlfriends, desperate to spark adulation or pass it on.
And I think you already know that Blade Runner is no anomaly in this regard. This reminded me of a great discussion between SeanClements hayesdavenport and PFTompkins on Spontaneanation a few months ago pic.
How would one classify these films? My esteemed colleague John McDermott suggests they are all the type to wind up as posters in a frat house, which is indisputably true. When you start to pick apart these plots, you threaten fragile egos informed by the principles of antiheroes with whom they identified in adolescence.
Does this mean that none of these films deserve a spot on the marquee? Far from it. But to what end? Nobody developed an appreciation for James Bond because they had a rando in their Twitter mentions screaming about Sean Connery.
To put it another way: Guys, can you remember when your girlfriend not only strong-armed you into watching a film but demanded you find the value in it? And refused to entertain a read even slightly opposed to their own, acting like any quibble you had was a stain on your intelligence?