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Share your interactive ePaper on all platforms and on your website with our embed function. Permission to reproduce, in whole or in part, by anymeans for free distribution as a gift of Dhamma, however, is herebygranted, and no further permission need be obtained. Tel: , E-mail: silpa ksc. Although the Buddha forbade the use of self-mortification as a meansto gain enlightenment, he nevertheless authorized and encouragedthose specialized ascetic practices, known as dhutangas, that harmonizeix.
Thus the work of thespiritual warrior requires potent counter measures to subvert the inertialpowers of laziness, craving, pride, and self-importance. So the Buddhaencouraged monks, who were truly keen on extricating their hearts fromthe subtlest manifestations of these insidious defilements, to practicethe dhutangas.
For this reason, the lifestyle of a Buddhist monk is founded on theideal of life as a homeless wanderer who, having renounced the worldand gone forth from the household, dresses in robes made from discardedcloth, depends on alms for a living, and takes the forest as his dwellingplace.
Fromthe day he first ordained until the day he passed away, his entire wayx. They have passed on his distinctive teachingmethods to their disciples in a spiritual lineage that extends to thepresent day. His was a life lived entirely out of doorsat the mercy of the elements and the vagaries of weather. In such anenvironment, a dhutanga monk developed a deep appreciation of nature. His daily life was full of forests and mountains, rivers and streams, caves,overhanging cliffs, and wild creatures large and small.
Living andxi. Thailand in the late 19 th andearly 20 th centuries was a loose confederation of principalities thatwere largely inaccessible to the central authority because most of theland was densely forested and paved roads were almost nonexistent. The lives of people in the hinterland areas were sustainedby subsistence farming and the hunting of wild animals.