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Prostitution in Kolkata formerly Calcutta is present in different forms and Kolkata 's sex industry is one of the largest in Asia. India is regarded as having one of the largest commercial sex trades globally. The total number of prostitutes in Kolkata is unknown. Some estimates state that there are more than 60, brothel-based women and girls in prostitution in Kolkata.
The population of prostitutes in Sonagachi constitutes mainly of Nepalese, Bangladeshi and Indian women trafficked from north eastern and neighboring states, many who are trafficked into the area by their boyfriends or family.
According to some sources the most common form of trafficking consists in offering false promises or some offer of help out of a dead-end or crisis situation, force is used later after the prostitutes have already been sold. Eight out of these nine girls were originally from Nepal, while the ninth girl was from Bhagalpur, Bihar. These girls had been rescued from a brothel in G.
Road," police said. It is not very familiar or much discussed book till now. In this drama, a good description can be found about the negative attitudes shown by the then existing 19th century educated Bengali Babu class of people towards the prostitutes and the prostitution. From the first half of the 19th century, centering on Sonagachhi, a huge organised prostitution area surrounding Cornwallis Street on the east, and Chitpur on the west were formed.
Although many areas in Calcutta were inhabited by those prostitutes outside those areas also. On the south it was Kalighat to Khidirpur dock areas, in the middle-Calcutta it was Kalinga-Fenwick Bazar, on the far south in Kareya area many girls from different social-classes of Hindu-Muslim-Christian communities were engaged with this profession.