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Display your pictures in an innovative formatDesigned to last a lifetime Guaranteed! Yet, as in all trying episodes,these have triggered surprising responses from both individualsand organizations. On December 29, , the Rabbinical Council of America andthe Orthodox Union issued a joint press release which was quiteheartwarming.
The vast majorityof charedi Jews find theseactions abhorrent, and the communityshould not be judgedby the inexcusable conduct of afew. Hopefully this cautiousand benevolent attitude willhelp some of our secular brethrenrecognize that their bigotedattitude toward part of the Orthodoxcommunity is offensiveand unacceptable.
At the same time it should be noted that the recent irresponsibleactivities by a handful of extremists are hardly the greatest challengefacing Klal Yisrael.
The reaction to the recent extremistactivities in Israel thatwas most distressing to me personallywas that some respectedTorah scholars may have unwittinglyparticipated in the protestin Jerusalem during whichthe memory of the Holocaustwas abused.