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To browse Academia. Cecilia L. Home and work are two different worlds for working women and are often in conflict. Married working women are faced with problems in performing different roles, such as being a wife, a mother, a housekeeper, and an employee. The major problem a married woman faces is the tension or conflict arising from her multiple roles. The study aimed to determine: 1 how the working wives the participants roles were described in terms of their basic orientations towards gender role in the family; 2 how pregnancy, parenthood, success in their career affect their relationship with their husbands; 3 who, between them and their husbands, do most of the housework and child care; 4 how working wives dual role affect their life; and 5 measures to be adopted to help working wives solve dual role conflict.
Thus, this study focused only on the dual role conflict that arises between the wife and the husband. Marital adjustment is harmony and empathy in achieving common goals of life between husband and wife that leads to satisfaction from living together. Religion is considered as one of the most effective spiritual aspects which are able to provide the meaning of life in each moment of lifetime and rescue a person in special condition from suspension and meaninglessness.
The main aim of this research is to study the relationship between religious orientation and marital adjustment and its different aspects in the light of Quran and Sunnah to provide the effective way in improving relationships and marital adjustment among the couples to establish and keep good intimate relations. Pedro Alonso. Alexander Castillo R. Jessica Frazier. As Jeremy Bentham noted, philosophies that do not anchor goodness in God often take the emotions of pleasure and pain as the basis of ethics.
What else do people ultimately want or fear, for themselves or others? The binary idea of positive and negative emotion underpins utilitarianism and many notions of virtue and sin. Yet India, with its longstanding history of yogic introspection, has developed a more complex theory of emotions. In particular, they may be scaled out according to wider or narrower concerns, or altered in qualitative character according to greater and lesser degrees of egoism. This, according to rasa theory, can be done through techniques of i.
A broad palette of emotion can be curated through practices of self-cultivation; this in turn alters the ethical itself. Fabio Miguel Castellanos. This research document seeks to explore one of the most widely circulated formats of the Scripture since the age of the ancient Christian church, in fact, one most attested pieces of evidence of the text of the New Testament, that document is the Greek lectionary.